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The stories of Marta Isabel González Alvarez  

21 días que pueden cambiarlo todo

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Via Crucis no Vaticano: Presença dos martires da Amazônia

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Momento muito especial hoje dia 19 de outubro de 2019.

(Irmã Joaninha Madeira).

Stations of the Cross this morning October 19. Very moving moment during this synodal time. Anne Beatrice

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Sister Anne Béatrice Faye  CIC with the Cardinal  Hummes

irmã Joaninha - casa comum

irmã Joaninha - casa comum

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kto  youtube

Site to consult. The translation in some languages is available.

Our group continues its reflection on a daily basis in conjunction with the Synodal Fathers and Mothers. Thank you for accompanying us in prayer.

Sunday 10/13, canonization of Newman, Sister Dulce (Brazilian) and other saints .

Sister Anne Beatrice Faye

Com o Papa Francisco outubro de 2019 eo Sínodo para a Amazônia

Mauricio Lopezcomment toCupula no Vaticano: “Se não somos capazes de mudar formas e doutrinas – não os dogmas – isso signifies that não sabemos responder às exigências das pessoas”.

Synod October 12, 2019 video

Links...  Links... Web...

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Synod on the morning of October 9, 2019

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Synod for the Amazon on October 8, 2019


Photo album: Synod Rome

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Relatório do Cardeal Lorenzo Baldisseri (pedir a translation in portuguese)

Homily of the Pope on October 6

Synod for the Amazon Opening: Pope's speech - October 7, 2019

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Youtube Vatican News

Video Vatican News esp

Youtube Vatican News ingles. 

2a parte: discourse in português.

Irma Joaninha - CIC

Sister Anne Béatrice from Senegal is present in Rome for the Synod for the Amazon. Thank you to our two sisters  for representing us at this important time for the mission of the Church! With Saint Emilie: "The Sisters will go where the voice of the poor calls them"... 

Anne Béatrice Faye and Joaninha CIC


In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

They are fighting for the Amazon

Rome: Synod for the Amazon Opening Mass October 6, 2019

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Message from Edna de Oliveira - Estare Mawè from Rome for the Congregation

Irmã Joaninha  Madeira CIC
Edna de Oliveira - Estare Mawè
Synode Rome - Joaninha
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Synode Rome - Edna de Oliveira
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An interesting link on the Panamazonia Synod. it is a planetary mobilization around our Common House, our environment.

(Sister Anne Béatrice Faye who participates in the Synod in Rome)

This documentary presents a preview of the Synod for the Amazon, convened by Pope Francis in 2017. What is meant by a Synod, the theme, the process and the expectations are some of the points that appear in this video. Translators: Jorge Calderón (Spanish), Ramlit Navarro (English), Norbert Foester (German), Arlindo Dias and Enzo Santângelo (Italian), Christin Michel (French)

See +



Sínodo da Amazônia - Opinião by Dom Anuar Battisti, Arcebispo de Maringá.

"Many Catholic Christians Believe in False False News About the Synod"

In a message of support for the Amazon Synod, which will be held at the Vatican from October 6 to 27, Mgr Anuar Battisti, Archbishop of Maringá, ... questions the commitment of Catholic Christians who criticize the Synod ...

See +

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CIMI: Conselho Indigenista Missionario.

Organismo ligado a CNBB, Conferência dos Bispos do Brasil.

Faith criado para a defesa dos povos indigenas e seus territórios.

Esta Assembleia, a XXIII aconteceu no Centro de Fração Vicente Cañas em Luziânia, Goiais.

O tema: Em defesa da Constituição, contra o roubo ea devastação de territórios indígenas.

Lema: "Alto there!!! esta terra tem dono!  Em tempos de cenário sombrio que ameça a vida dos "povos originários" o CIMI quer ser uma resposta esperançosa. Pedro Casaldaliga)

“Nesses cinco dias de Assembleia fomos despertados pelo testemunho dos povos indígenas e motivados a partir das nossas lutas e sonhos”

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Sister Joaninha's mission in the Amazon in an itinerant team made up of priests, religious (her), lay people, lay people...

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