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"Towards the light without decline" by our Sisters - 2019


Notre Sœur Cecilia Lopez  est partie vers le Seigneur dans la 83ème année le 24 décembre 2019 à Castres._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_


24 December 2019

Michel Mouïsse  

Bishop emeritus of Périgueux and Sarlat :


My sister,

On learning of the death of Sister Cecilia, I want to tell you and all the sisters in your community that I knew her well and appreciated her when I was curate at St Jacques. She happily took care of children and young people and I remember her drawing skills.
In telling you how much I associate myself with your pain, I assure you of my prayers for her and for you and the whole Community, always so welcoming and sympathetic to me.

Father Négrier, parish priest of Saint Benedict Cathedral.

Mass for sr Cécilia on Sunday January 26, 2020

This morning we are celebrating the Novena Mass for the intention of happiness in God for Sister Cecilia who left us recently.

I want to express here a fraternal and grateful thank you for all that Sister Cécilia did during her apostolate in the parish of Saint Jacques.

Notre Sœur Giuseppina Marta Arnuzzo est partie vers le Seigneur le 23 décembre 2019 à Acqui Terme. 

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23 December 2019


Our Sister Giuseppina Arnuzo went to the Lord in the 91st year on 23 December 2019 in Acqui-Terme. His funeral took place on December 24, 2019.

Our Sister André Marie ANGLES left for the Lord in the 84th year on 29 October 2019

October 29, 2019

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Very dear Brothers and Sisters.


We, the Sisters of the Amazon Province of Benin, have the deep sorrow to announce the death of our beloved Sister André Marie ANGLES. She passed away yesterday at the age of 84. Let us pray for the eternal rest of his soul. A zealous and tireless missionary who gave herself body and soul until the end of her earthly life in Benin, now enjoys the joy promised to good servants.

Union of prayer.

Your PA Sisters of Benin

From Burkina Faso I offer you my sincere condolences and pray for Sister Andrée Marie. May she find a place in the house of the Father and intercede for  us. She gave her whole life to Senegal and Benin, still active. May she receive from her Lord, whom she has always loved and served, the palm reserved for the Elect.

(Sr  Marie Rose  Dione Provinciale de la PAO)

Our Sister Bernardina Vasquez went to the Lord in the 92nd year on October 14, 2019

October 23, 2019


Today the Province of West Africa accompanies our dear Sister Bernardina Vazquez to her final resting place. She gives thanks to the Lord for her life entirely given to  God and to the poor on Senegalese soil. Thanks to the Province of Europe and to Spain in particular.

May it henceforth be praise of glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray for her and her family.

(Sr  Chantale  Dione)

October 14, 2019

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Jesus the Savior came to pick up his servant, our sister Bernardina VASQUEZ, on October 14, 2019  in the first light of dawn.

We entrust our sister to the infinite mercy of God, and  we give thanks to God for her long missionary life during which she gave herself body and soul, at the service of the little ones and the poor, in the humble everyday.

His funeral will take place on October 22 at 11 a.m. at Notre Dame des Victoires Cathedral in Dakar.

We are united with all of you in prayer for our Sister Bernardina.

Your PAO sisters (Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso)

1 October 2019

Sister Marie Thérèse Fournel left us on October 1st  2019


As we celebrated her patronal feast today, 01/10/2019,  little Thérèse of the Child Jesus came to pick up the one of whom she is the patron saint_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_;sister Françoise Thérèse FOURNELfell asleep tonight in the peace of the Lord at the age of 96. May it find a place in the father's house. Union of prayer.

Your PAO sisters

décès famille

With our sisters and their families

We join in the grief of our sisters and their families  at the death of a member of the famille :

Maria Columba Gallo (Spain): her sister on April 5, 2020


Paule (France): her sister-in-law Georgette, March 26, 2020

Caridad (Emilia): his sister-in-law, March 26, 2020

Márcia Edvirges Santos (Cuiabá): his mother on March 25, 2020

Clara (Spain): his brother from Granada on March 15, 2020


Julita Balarini (France): a young cousin (22 years old) on February 18, 2020

Leila Cardoso (Mato Grosso): her sister Nilza on January 31, 2020

Maria Laura Olazar Acosta (Paraguay): her sister on January 26, 2020

Grace Tusara (Philippines): her mother on January 26, 2020.


Marie Yvonne (Senegal): on 01/21/2020 the dad who is also the uncle of

Sister Marie Béatrice (Rome).


Sophie Thiombane (Senegal): the dad on 01/21/2020

Julita Balarini [France): an uncle on 11/18/2019


Victoria (Barcelona) and Nieves Gonzalez (France: a brother on 11/18/2019


Catherine Alleaume (France): her father on 17 November 2019


Mathilde Muhigirwa Zanadi (DRC): her father on November 16, 2019


Sophie Thiombane (Senegal): a brother on November 16, 2019


Marcela Gonzalez  (France): a brother-in-law on November 13, 2019


Marie Elisabeth Sarr (Senegal): her mother  November 6, 2019

Montserrat Torrent (Spain): a brother-in-law on 10/24/2019

Luzia Bongiovani (Belo Horizonte): a nephew on 09/29/2019

Carolina Bonatti (Cotia): a sister-in-law, the mother of Lurdes Bonatti 09/27/2019

Carolina Bonatti  (Cotia): a brother 09/23/2019


Rufina (Etcharri) : une soeur  19//09/ 2019 qui est   

an aunt of Justi Cibrian (Rome)  and cousin of:

Virgilia (Bonanova) and Felicidad (Etcharri).

Irene (Gabon): sa sister Elisha 09/18/2019

Jeanne Elizabeth (Senegal): her mother September 2019

Madeleine Odile (Senegal): an uncle September 2019

Leila Cardoso (Mato Grosso): an uncle August 2019

Marluce (Mato Grosso): a cousin August 2019

Edit Berri (Mato Grosso): a nephew  August 2019

September 2019

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Nuestra Hermana Leonor Cocco a sus 87 años descansa en Solo Dios:  27 september of 2019

Desde anoche 27/9/19 muy tarde, nuestra

Hermana Leonor Coccoa sus 87 años descansa en Solo Dios.


It lasted depacitated. Hacía más de un año tuvo una cloudy recovery después de un internación por varias complicaciones circulatorias, en este tiempo nos regaló las ganas de vivir, su sympatía y su ternura.

Our unimos a toda la Congregación para dar gracias por su vida y su entrega.


Sus Hermanas Dolores, Isabel, Cecilia E, y Cecilia B

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Sisters who died in 2019

February 02 2019  Libreville     :  Sr Emmanuelle VAZQUEZ

March 24 2019     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb35b586dCastres          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_:  Sr Marie de Betharram POUZACQ

March 27 2019  Asunción          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_:  Sr Lucila CRISTALDO DE LEÓN

May 05 2019  Libreville          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_:  Sr. Maria Cruz ALONSO MARTIN

June 03 2019 Etxarri Aranaz :  Sr Maria Clara ROJAS MORENO

July 16 2019 Etxarri Aranaz:  Sr Flora GAMBOA RAZQUIN

September 27 2019 Lomas - Convent:  Sr. Leonor COCCO

October 01 2019  Mbour          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  :  SMr Françoise Thérèse FOURNEL

October 14 2019  Dakar          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   : Sr. Bernardina VASQUEZ

October 29 2019 Cotonou        : _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Sr André Marie ANGLES

December 23 2019 Acqui Term:  Sr. Giuseppina ARNUZZO

December 24 2019  Castres     :   _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Sr. Cecilia LÓPEZ SANTAMARIA

"To the other side..." en 2018

Sister Felicitas left us on September 29, 2018

Sister Carmen Boxadera, provincial of Europe,

The Community of Campohermoso - Spain,

The Province of Central Africa,

Sister Justi Muñoz, Superior General

and the Sisters de the Immaculate Conception Congregation of Castres,

his family and friends,

announce the death ofSister Felicitas Cembranos Nistal

occurred on September 29, 2018

at the age of 72, in his 52nd year of Religious Life

including 42 years on mission in Gabon and the DRC.

The funeral mass, chaired by the Delegate for Religious Life of the diocese,

will celebrated le September 30, 2018

at  the Parish of Campohermoso at 6:00 p.m.

Saturday 6 October: Mass at the Provincial House of Barcelona



Let's pray for her.

Message from the Europe Province (in Spanish)

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