Videos - Slideshows of the mission of the Congregation
EP2023 Janete Silva: Youtube
VIDEO LIVES: Sisters Congregation
The Adélaïde and Jeanne Hermine sisters (from the Mother House) are organizing an afternoon on October 3, 2022 with a short slide show on Emilie's life and the continents where we are present. And the presentation of short videos, choreographies from Benin, Pakistan, France. Joy on all faces! The song "Ah le petit vin blanc" awakens good memories for all the residents...
The reality of "ribeirinhos" by sister joaninha in her new mission in the amazon in the traveling team
Missionary this time in Maués with the traveling team Joaninha shares with us the mission which rejoices his heart. "Everything is very intense here also with the people that the we easily forget, to whom we do not give the Word". Joaninha
solidariedade: switzerland and brazil at valadares MG
Solidarity is present in missions with the most needy - Here a group of young volunteers from Switzerland are present in Valadares. City of Meninos.
Missionary this time in Maués with the traveling team Joaninha shares with us the mission which rejoices his heart. "Everything is very intense here also with the people that the we easily forget, to whom we do not give the Word". Joaninha
With the Friends of Emilie Elson et Gorette in their country house in Domingos Martins ES: 30 years of marriage.
This May 30, 2022 the Blue Community of Cariacica - Vitória ES is invited to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the marriage of friends Elson and Gorette from LEMEE, in their Country house in Domingos Martins. Joy of meeting in this beautiful country with very friendly friends.
sr. rosangela Maria - témoignage
Litanie de Sainte Emilie
En portugais - Youtube : Luz e Música
god of my life
Sister Janete Silva
In Portuguese -Youtube: Luz e Música
meditation relax prayer
p. pius video: julita balarini
In Portuguese -Youtube: Luz para mais vida (Light for more life)
ave maria - music 13/05/2022
Sister Janete Silva
In Portuguese -Youtube :Luz e Músichas
count the stars for me
Sister Janete Silva
In Portuguese -Youtube: Luz e Música
our lady choir
uirapuru - junior cnd são paulo
Emilie talks to us
You must have special attention and charity for the most abandoned poor; will always treat them with real predilection. society. (C.1840, 636 – 638)
(quoted by Marie Sidonie in Fratelli Tutti and Emilie)
Video made by Pastor Geraldo Magalhães, former Cidade dos Meninos - GV MG
What does Emilie tell us?
“The manner of acting of the sisters towards the poor of these distant missions should always be full of gentleness and cordiality. They will have for them a kindness and tenderness of a mother. They will make it their duty to show them the most tender and earnest interest on all occasions!
Video made by Pastor Geraldo Magalhães, former Cidade dos Meninos GV.
meditation: via sacra - 30.03.2021
eg. anderson gomes by. nsperpétuo socorro
celebração penitencial
eg. anderson Monday 03.29.2021
In Portuguese -Youtube: Pe. Anderson Gomes (time of Lent)
prayer time - pandemic
eg. anderson gomes dia26.03.21
Living this painful time in God Youtube: Pe. Anderson Gomes
live that feeds - solidarity
p. fábio de melo sesc goiás e manaus
See more Youtube channel of Fr. Fábio de Melo (in Portuguese)